The second volume…

originally published 04.05.2019
The second volume is online from 11.07.2019.

I decided for the possibility to announce the book now, because I have already written more than half of it and the rest of the story is plotted. This time my protagonaists don’t cause any problems :-).

No, fun aside. If you offer a book for pre-order, it is as good as finished and the revision phase begins. But this time I work much more relaxed than with the first volume. With the first volume, when I was still in the revision phase, I had the impression through various posts in a social network that some of my ideas had been stolen. That’s why I published the book as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I overlooked some mistakes in the lyrics that were brought to my attention by reviewers. In the meantime I have revised the text.

In any case, that was enormously important to me, now the legal title protection exists for my title and the stealing of my ideas is not so easy anymore.

To prevent misunderstandings: there is also a photo on the cover which has been released for any use.

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